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Essai Gratuit

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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours  

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16 avril 1978  8.1

Distributeur: Titus Productions Ltd.

Sinopsis: Cette mini-série raconte l'Holocauste (expression controversée pour la Shoah), pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, vécu à la fois par les Weiss, une famille de juifs allemands, et par un jeune avocat, lui aussi allemand, enrôlé par les SS. 1935, à Berlin. La famille Weiss, de confession juive, marie son fils aîné Karl, artiste peintre, à Inga Helms, une catholique. Les Weiss apprécient leur belle-fille mais les Helms, dont un fils et un ami sont nazis, sont réticents. Joseph Weiss, le chef de famille, médecin généraliste, a comme patients un couple aryen, les Dorf, dont l'épouse est cardiaque : malgré son apparente faiblesse, celle-ci est ambitieuse pour son époux et l'encourage à rejoindre les Nazis afin de gravir l'échelle sociale. D'abord réticent et se déclarant neutre vis-à-vis des juifs, il excelle bientôt dans ses nouvelles fonctions, notamment par son sens des euphémismes concernant les persécutions antisémites.

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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours  

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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
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Saisons & Épisodes
Saison 1 : 1978


5 Épisode
Épisode4    The Saving Remnant
April. 19,1978

Erik Dorf complains to the other S.S. leaders that the executions of the Jews are not being efficiently done. An order is placed by Erik for Zyklon B (a lethal gas) for use at Auschwitz and other camps. Inga asks Muller to denounce her and have her sent to Karl at Theresienstadt. Felscher sells four of the secret drawings done by him, Frey and Karl, which depict the brutal conditions at Theresienstadt, to a Czech gendarme, which the S.S. get a hold of. Felscher, Frey and Karl are called in for questioning and then tortured, where Karl is the only one who survives and is told he is being sent to Auschwitz. He sees Inga one last time, where she tells him she is carrying his child. Karl dies the day Auschwitz is liberated. In Warsaw, Josef is caught for setting up the clinic to act as a front to keep people from getting on the train headed to Treblinka, and him and Berta with Mr. and Mrs. Lowy are sent to Auschwitz, where soon after they are sent to the gas chambers. Moses joins the resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto and they are successful in holding back 7,000 German soldiers over a three-week period, until they are forced out via a gas bomb and are shot. In the Ukraine, Uncle Sasha's unit attempts to shoot up a convoy, but Helena is shot and killed and Rudi is knocked unconscious. Rudi wakes up in the Sobibor camp, where he learns of a breakout being planned by the other prisoners and joins with them. He survives to the end of the war and is reunited with Inga in Theresienstadt, where he learns that Inga has given birth to a son, who is two years old named Josef, after Karl's father. Rudi is asked to lead a group of Greek orphans into Palestine. Erik Dorf is placed in custody by the Americans and after a brief questioning commits suicide via a cyanide pill hidden in the hem of his pants. Uncle Kurt Dorf visits Marta, Peter and Laura Dorf and tells them what really happened to Erik, despite an unsigned letter Marta is reading commending Erik's service to the Reich. He then tells them what Erik and the other SS men really were - mechanical killers. In response, Marta tells Uncle Kurt they never want to see him again. Uncle Kurt says he will not be silent about the truth.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
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