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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours  

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The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin

14 septembre 1986  7.5



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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours  

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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
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Saisons & Épisodes
Saison 1 : 1987


65 Épisode
Épisode45    The Big Escape
November. 13,1987

Quellor lands at the Ying Zoo and demands that the Wizard release Jack into his custody. The Wizard does, and also provides Quellor with an electrical generator that allows the Supreme Oppressor to generate miniature lightning bolts. Jack's memory is restored, and he is coerced into reciting the recipe for turning buttermilk into gold. Meanwhile, Grubby is put to work on Gimmick's rollercoaster project, which now includes a mechanism that will allow everyone to escape. Teddy remains firmly locked in his cage, where he finds a carving on the floor that says "Teddy + Ilana". Teddy suddenly wonders whether the previous Illiop held at the zoo may have been his father. Grubby cooks up some root stew in the Airship (now a seafood restaurant!) and the Octopedes begin setting the other captives free while the Wizard is conveniently preoccupied by Quellor and the other guards are all at Wizardland. Grubby ties a strong rope to Teddy's cage, and is launched out of the zoo by Gimmick's modified rollercoaster. He then ties the rope to the Subwater Boat and begins trying to yank Teddy free. The Wizard finally realizes that his exhibits are getting away, and he, Quellor, and the MAVO henchmen race to the rollercoaster, but get stuck in a slick of root stew. Gimmick and Xerxa stay behind as the other Octopedes are launched out of the zoo. The rope finally rips Teddy's cage free and crashes into the generator to Quellor's new lightning projector, overloading it and shocking Quellor. Xerxa and Gimmick race to the Airship and head for the sky, while Jack escapes in the confusion. Grubby frees Teddy from the Illiop cage, as Eleanor and LB find Jack near the zoo. Jack pretends to still be mindless, and Eleanor and LB begin to haul him home.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode50    A Race To The Finish
November. 20,1987

Wizardweek enters its final day. The teams resume the race, which takes the participants through the Jungle With No Name, over Trembly Fault, and on to the finish line. Prince Arin and Princess Aruzia take an early lead, and make a stopover at the Jungle Grunges' village for minor repairs just as Drudge, Sludge, and Trudge stumble upon the settlement. In a brilliant display of logic, Quellor's henchmen deduce that Tweeg must be hiding in the Grunge village since he's half Grunge, and proceed to trash the place. Arin and Aruzia decide they need a hit and go for the nearest supply of Grunge Gumbo with Vitamin Z (tm), transforming them into the Iron Warrior and the Aluminum Amazon, respectively. The two of them proceed to beat the shit out of Druge, Sludge, and Trudge until the Trio arrive and decide the two of them have been high as a kite for long enough, and throw water on the tripping Illipers to bring them down. Quellor's henchmen escape into the jungle, and in another stroke of genius (with a capital "J"), collect some slimy green goop to pass off as Tweeg's remains. The Trio win the Great Grundo Ground Race, and returns to the Jungle Grunges' village along with Arin and Aruzia. With the help of the Fifth Crystal, they repair the damage to the settlement in record time. The Wizard of Grundo arrives and presents the Trio with their prize -- a carousel with cars fashioned after the vehicles used in the race. A celebration ensues, and the Wizard and Louie ride off into the sunset. Back at MAVO, a celebration is also in progress, to celebrate the return of Quellor's henchmen with Tweeg's "remains".

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode51    Autumn Adventure
November. 23,1987

Teddy and Grubby create Mudblup costumes in honor of Make Believe, an old Rillonian custom of wearing costumes on a particular fall day (nah, couldn't be anything like Halloween...). They make a costume for Gimmick as well, and the Trio traipse about the Valley attempting to scare people, but Wooly is the only one who falls for the disguises. The Trio explain the custom to Wooly,who dresses up as a giant flower, and the foursome go visit the Jungle Grunges, who are celebrating Make Believe as well. Meanwhile, Tweeg sees the headline "Hunt For Tweeg Ends" in the Grundo Gazette and misinterprets it as Quellor no longer being angry with him. Tweeg travels to MAVO HQ to bury the hatchet, only to have Quellor throw him in the dungeon, despite Tweeg's protests that he can deliver Teddy Ruxpin to MAVO. The Supreme Oppressor -- furious at the deceit concocted by Drudge,Sludge, and Trudge, and reminded of the need to capture the Illiop -- commands his henchmen to hunt down Teddy Ruxpin and bring him back, dead or alive. This angers the Understander of Legends, who reminds Quellor that MAVO needs Teddy taken alive if they are ever to recover the Crystals. When Quellor refuses to amend his orders, the Understander frees Tweeg from the dungeon, and the two of them set off to find Teddy before Quellor's henchmen do. The henchmen find Teddy first, but Grubby alerts the group and everyone scatters. The henchmen get captured by a patrol of real Mudblups, and the Trio trick Tweeg and the Understander into following the path the henchmen took, allowing the Trio to escape.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode52    Gimmick's Gizmos and Gadgets
November. 24,1987

Mr. Beanly visits the Trio and delivers an invitation to a Logic Fair hosted by King Nogburt. Gimmick isn't sure what invention to take to the fair, and complains that none of his inventions ever work the way he intends them to, and becomes depressed. Grubby begins to whip up a batch of Root Beer for the Fair, when Tweeg poses as a soft drink magnate and cons Grubby out of the recipe. Gimmick unveils a larger airbag for the Airship, allowing them to take the Subwater Boat with them, but still isn't sure about his abilities. Meanwhile, Frank and Faye Fob head for the fair with their invention, a cart for pulling baby Fobs, when an earthquake hits, separating the parents on a spire. The Trio, now en route to the fair, hear the Fobs' cries for help and land near Trembly Fault to help. Gimmick rips apart the music-making machine he'd planned to enter in the fair, and uses the accordion inside it to create a makeshift bridge to rescue Frank and Faye. At the fair, Teddy and Grubby look over the other exhibits, while Gimmick and Eunice walk off together (to discuss biology, perhaps?). Grubby discovers to his horror that Tweeg is passing off Grubby's Root Beer as his own concoction, but Tweeg is goaded into shaking up his barrel of the beverage until it explodes, and the truth is revealed. Gimmick finally unveils his entry into the fair with new confidence (guess that "talk" with Eunice did him good) -- the Port-A-Bridge!

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode53    Harvest Feast
November. 25,1987

Mr. Beanly is sent out with another batch of invitations, this time for King Nogburt's Harvest Feast. Everyone is invited, but Beanly loses Wooly's invitation. Coincidentally, Wooly decides to invite all his friends to a feast of his own, but no one is home to receive his invitations. Back at the castle, Gimmick notes that Grundo has received above average rainfall this year -- yet King Nogburt's kingdom is suffering a drought. Tweeg rolls into town, and begins peddling a rainmaking machine as his latest scheme. Gimmick shows off the Subwater Boat to the King, and the two of them go for a dive, and get lost in a series of tunnels leading away from the castle moat. After the two of them have been gone too long, Teddy puts on his scuba suit and goes after them. Gimmick and the King stumble across a chamber with ancient controls for operating an aqueduct system, which amazingly enough has a Crystal slot in it! The Gutangs appear, and work to tighten down a series of valves to cut down the water supply still further, in order to weaken the kingdom in preparation for an invasion. Gimmick and the King are captured, but are frightened away when Teddy appears wearing his scuba gear. Gimmick uses the Fourth Crystal to activate the aqueduct mechanism and restore the water supply to normal, and the three of them return to the castle. The King's subjects lose interest in Tweeg's device when the water flow returns to normal. King Nogburt realizes that Wooly hasn't been invited, and the Trio, Eunice, and Aruzia take the Airship and bring back Wooly and his food, making for a bountiful banquet, which everyone is thankful for.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode56    Teddy's Quest
November. 30,1987

Teddy realizes that there's just one person that he forgot to deliver a gift to: The Hermit of Leekee Lake. Gimmick and Grubby offer to go with, but Teddy insists that this is a journey he must make on his own, and he heads out into the driving snow. At Tweeg's tower, the Bounders go on strike for the four years' worth of back pay owed to them. When Jack tells the Bounders that his mother is his only source of income, LB reluctantly offers (to the dismay of Buffy, his girlfriend) to go to Eleanor's to beg for an advance on Jack's allowance in order to pay him and the other Bounders, and also heads out into the snowstorm. At MAVO HQ, Quellor gives his henchmen an ultimatum: bring back Tweeg, or be victims of his Black Box. The Understander of Legends approaches Quellor,and claims that the more important task is capturing Teddy and the Crystals, but the Supreme Oppressor brushes her off. This leads the Understander to call on Drudge, Sludge, and Trudge to help her overthrow Quellor. Meanwhile, Teddy gets as far as Mizzly Meadow, when an elderly Elf couple, Maple and Zeb, offer him shelter from the blizzard as it worsens. LB finds Teddy's tracks, and follows them for a time. He steps out onto the ice- covered river that flows through the meadow, which cracks. LB plunges into the river, and contemplates death when he cannot climb out of the water. However, Teddy hears what LB intends as his last words, and pulls the Bounder from the icy waters and resuscitates him. Back at MAVO HQ, Quellor is lured into an ambush, and is knocked unconscious by Trudge. The Understander declares herself the new Supreme Oppressor, and has Quellor thrown into the dungeon. She declares that from this moment forth, all of MAVO's resources shall be devoted to capturing Teddy Ruxpin.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode58    Fugitives
December. 02,1987

Teddy and the Hermit make their way to Gimmick's house. Teddy is eager to get there, but the Hermit advises caution. Upon examination, they realize that Gimmick's house is guarded. The two of them bump into Fuzz, who is also on his way to Gimmick's. Teddy gives the Fob a message for Grubby and Gimmick, and Fuzz proceeds on to the house. Once the guard at the front door has fallen asleep, Grubby and Gimmick sneak out, but are seen by a second guard, who alerts the MAVO camp near Tweeg's tower. Teddy and the Hermit meet up with Gimmick and Grubby at Wooly's house, the MAVO tracker right behind them. Inside the house, the Hermit tells what little there is of his story, prompting Gimmick to use the Crystal stethoscope on him -- which returns nothing. Gimmick concludes that the Hermit has been a victim of the Black Box, and postulates that he may have been sold to the Ying Zoo at some point. Teddy remembers the names in the cage, and the pieces begin to fall into place in his mind. The fire begins to wane, and so the Hermit volunteers to fetch more wood. He steps outside, only to be spotted by Maggotheart's crew, who mistake him for Teddy and capture him. Teddy looks outside to check on the Hermit, and sees signs of scuffle in the snow and the Eclipse flying away. Wooly and the Trio take the Airship in pursuit. At MAVO HQ, the Understander discovers that they have the wrong Illiop, and she and Eleanor set a trap... Louie delivers the latest issue of the Grundo Gazette to the Trio and Wooly, which includes an article on the Hermit being held in the MAVO dungeon. Teddy is horrified, and his resolve hardens. The Airship lands outside MAVO HQ, and Teddy announces that he's going on alone. He takes the Third Crystal and makes himself invisible, and sneaks inside. Teddy opens the Hermit's cell and makes himself visible, saying that everything will be fine... The Hermit pulls back his cloak, and reveals himself to be Sludge! Teddy recoils in horror, and tries to make himself invisible again, but the Understander grabs the Third Crystal and the Crystal belt, and locks Teddy in the cell. Meanwhile, Eleanor chains the real Hermit up in her kitchen, while Gimmick, Grubby, and Wooly wait for Teddy in the Airship...

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode59    Musical Oppressors
December. 03,1987

Quellor plots his escape from the MAVO dungeon, and sends his pet bats to bring him the means of breaking out. The Understander places the six Crystals in the ceiling of MAVO HQ, and is baffled when nothing happens. LB tells Jack that he knows where the Black Box is, and fetches it from the Throne Room. When the other monsters and villains see LB with the Black Box, they declare him to be the new Supreme Oppressor. Back at the Airship, Gimmick, Grubby, and Wooly start to worry about Teddy. Meanwhile, the Understander realizes that a seventh receptacle exists in the center of the ceiling, and concludes that it must be for the Crystal in the Black Box. Quellor's bats return with rope and a Giant Droolbeast, who is coerced into ripping a hole in the side of the dungeon -- freeing Ickly instead. LB has Teddy brought before him for judgement -- and has him set free in repayment for saving his life. The Understander creates a distraction and steals the Seventh Crystal from the Black Box. She fits it into place, and all seven Crystals begin to glow. A beam of light shoots from MAVO HQ to the sky, and darkness falls over Grundo. A storm whips up as plants and trees begin to wither... Quellor's strength grows as the winds blow, and he breaks out of his cell and makes a run for a nearby cave to elude the guards. Meanwhile, Teddy seeks shelter from the storm in the same cave. Quellor attacks Teddy, but gets caught in a rockfall. Teddy makes a run for it. Back at the Airship, Grubby and Gimmick begin to bicker and Wooly decides to take a nap rather than search for Teddy as the effects of the Crystals begin tomanifest themselves.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode60    MAVO Costume Ball
December. 04,1987

Teddy fights his way through the storm, where he meets a group of Fobs who taunt him mercilessly. At the Airship, everyone is similarly effected: Gimmick becomes increasingly pompous and egotistical as he makes minor tweaks to his inventions; Grubby stuffs his face and makes mean-spirited remarks;even Wooly acts like he's got PMS. Teddy finally reaches the Airship, to discover that no one really gives a rat's ass about what's happened to him. Meanwhile, at MAVO HQ, LB plans a costume party to celebrate the spread of evil across the land. Teddy finally convinces Gimmick and Wooly to go along with his plan to retrieve the crystals, and Wooly leaves to enlist the help of Leota and the Woodsprites. Eleanor leaves for the party, instructing Sparky (her pet) to watch the Hermit (who is still chained up in her kitchen). Sparky decides to follow Eleanor to the party instead, and the Hermit knocks over a pot of rather potent goulash, which eats through the chain holding him to the wall. He leaves for MAVO HQ as well, to try to find Teddy. Speaking of MAVO HQ, the party there gets underway and LB sings a love song to Buffy as Gimmick and Teddy cover the windows of the structure. Wooly,Leota, and the Woodsprites arrive, but get pissed off and leave right away. Gimmick complains that Teddy's plan won't work without the Woodsprites. Teddy, obviously ready to tell Gimmick what he can go do with his screwdrivers, gets fed up and marches into the party, pretending to be in costume. He takes center stage and proclaims: "Hi! My name is Teddy Ruxpin. Can you and I be friends?" This causes everyone to rush the platform, and a mosh party ensues. Teddy introduces one of the attackers to a support column, which knocks one of the crystals loose from the ceiling. Teddy nabs it and makes a run for the exit as the sky clears over Grundo, restoring things to normal. Gimmick, Grubby, and Wooly begin making noise to fool the partygoers into thinking the storm is still raging, while Leota and the Woodsprites sneak inside the building to get the other Crystals. Quellor fetches the Black Box and storms into the party, and begins kicking ass -- literally -- by booting LB through a window. Sunlight comes pouring into MAVO HQ, and everyone realizes that the party's over.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode61    Father's Day
December. 07,1987

Tweeg receives the latest copy of the Grundo Gazette, which reports to his horror that both he and LB are wanted by MAVO -- dead or alive -- and that he is being hunted by MAVO agents. This prompts Tweeg to plot to build a Black Box of his own. He sends LB to steal one of Teddy's Crystals, but LB is more interested in spending time with Buffy. LB goes to Gimmick's House, and winds up visiting with Teddy. LB mentions Tweeg's latest scheme in conversation, along with how Tweeg's memory was restored by putting the Seventh Crystal in the Black Box backwards. LB returns to Tweeg's tower, and bumps into Buffy, who is wearing a large rhinestone. LB gives it to Tweeg as a Crystal. Meanwhile, Teddy convinces Gimmick build a mockup of the Black Box as well (what a coinkydink!). Gimmick points it at the Hermit, and pushes the button... Everything slowly begins coming back to him... He recounts his life years ago as trader and explorer in Rillonia, and how he had a wife,Ilana, and a baby son... Teddy! He goes on to explain how he crossed the sea to Grundo, only to be picked up by MAVO and interrogated about the whereabouts of the Crystals, of which he had no knowledge. This led Quellor to erase his memory and sell him to the Ying Zoo, until he had the opportunity to escape, and then settle on the island in the middle of Leekee Lake. Meanwhile, Tweeg fears the worst when there's a knock on his door -- which turns out to be his own long-lost father, Elroy! He invites Jack to come to take over the family tradition of gnarly surfing. Jack isn't enthused at first, but warms up to the idea when LB plants the suggestion that it might let him evade the MAVO mercenaries. Back at Gimmick's house, Teddy and his father (whose name is Burl) talk more of the 10 years that have passed, and Teddy suggests that it's time for them to go home, to Rillonia.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode64    L.B.'s Wedding
December. 10,1987

Gimmick sets out to learn the unique properties of the Sixth Crystal. Teddy and Grubby show the Crystal Book to Ilana, who thinks she's seen the strange lettering somewhere before. Meanwhile, Buffy and LB and their mothers discuss wedding plans. Back in Rillonia, after removing stacks of dishes from a china cabinet, Ilana produces a tray with a window made of crystal and lettering like that of the book. Teddy places the tray over the book, and the letters become readable! The book is revealed as a historical record written generations ago by an Illiper scribe. Grubby spills some orange juice on the Sixth Crystal as Teddy reads fromthe book, and the Crystal begins to float out the window. Jack (who has been eavesdropping) grabs the Crystal, and to his surprise, it pulls him up into the air! He cries out, and the Trio take to the Airship to give chase. The Crystal carries Jack over the water, the Trio right behind. Back in Grundo, everyone has gathered on the beach near Bounder Pass for the wedding. Jack drops in -- literally, and gives LB the seashell box as a wedding gift. The Trio retrieve the Crystal, and the ceremony begins. Buffy and LB exchange rings, and then proceed to open their presents. LB is astounded when he opens Jack's gift and finds it to be full ofgold! Jack is even more baffled, and immediately demands that LB return the gold. Louie flies LB and Buffy into the sunset for their honeymoon, and on the Rillonian shore, Elroy admires a seashell necklace and says he hopes his son appreciates his pulling "the ol' switcharoo" on him.

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
Épisode65    The Mystery Unravels
December. 13,1987

Buffy and LB arrive in Ying for their honeymoon, and Tweeg returns to his tower, baffled by the gold in the seashell box. Back in Rillonia, Grubby's family pays a visit to the Ruxpins, and Teddy reads from the Crystal Book. The book tells of how the Illipers went to the Hard To Find City for help when a drought struck, and how they came to know "The Kind Ones" and their Seven Crystals, who constructed aqueducts to bring water to the Illiper realm and developed underwater farming techniques. This leads the Trio to tell the tale of how they came to poses the Crystals and what their powers are. Teddy idly wonders whether Quellor has realized that he no longer possesses the Seventh Crystal, unaware that Quellor has already dispatched his pet bats to collect it. Teddy reads the last pages of the book, which goes on to describe the theft of the Seventh Crystal, the Gutang attack and the fall of the Hard To Find City and its Illiop civilization. The book tells how the Illiop leader, Theodore the Wise, took half of a medallion and led a group of refugees south, while others fled to the north. Everyone is so caught up in the story that they don't see one of Quellor's bats enter the house and fly away with the Seventh Crystal. Back at Tweeg's tower, Buffy and LB return from their honeymoon to find their boss on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Mrs. Maggotheart demanding Tweeg pay his MAVO dues. LB decides to be generous, and pays off Tweeg's dues with a portion of the gold from the seashell box. Back at the Ruxpin house, the Trio pack up, seemingly unaware that they no longer poses the Seventh Crystal, and take to the air for destinations unknown. And at MAVO HQ, Quellor reinstalls the Crystal in the Black Box and usesit to demonstrate another of the Seventh Crystal's powers -- the ability to record what it sees. The Crystal projects an image of Teddy, swearing to protect the Crystals for the rest of his life, and Quellor reaffirms his intent to take the Crystals from him...

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours
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