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Péter Magyar

Cumpleaños: 1981-03-16 | Lugar de Nacimiento: Budapest, Hungary

Biografía: Peter Magyar is a Hungarian politician, European Parliament member and lawyer. He is the incumbent Leader of the Opposition in Hungary. As such, he is widely expected to be Viktor Orbán's challenger in the 2026 Hungarian parliamentary elections. A former member of Hungary's governing party Fidesz, and ex-husband to former justice minister Judit Varga, Magyar gained nationwide attention in February 2024 when he publicly announced his resignation from all government-related positions after expressing deep dissatisfaction with how Fidesz was governing the country. On 15 March 2024, he announced his desire to form a new political platform for citizens dissatisfied with both the government and the establishment opposition. He took over the formerly unknown Respect and Freedom (Tisztelet és Szabadság, TISZA) Party, and ran in the 2024 European Parliamentary elections. His party came second behind Fidesz, gaining nearly 30%, the highest number and percentage of votes by any non-Fidesz party since 2006. He is currently gearing up for the 2026 parliamentary elections, in which he is predicted to challenge Orbán for the position of Prime Minister. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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