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Marcos Tinajero

Cumpleaños: 1975-01-30 | Lugar de Nacimiento: Urupan, Michocan, Mexico

Biografía: Marcos Tinajero is a Mexican Luchador who is known under the names Ozz / Dark Ozz, a Face character (referred to as a "Tecnico" in Lucha Libre) that works for Lucha Libre Elite. Best known for his work in Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (AAA), he has been part of The Black Family since it was formed. During his time in the Black Family, Ozz has been a member of Lucha Libre Latina (LLL) and La Secta del Mesías, its predecessor La Secta Cibernetica and La Legión Extranjera but now the Black Family is its own independent entity.

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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours