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Laird Akeo

Cumpleaños: 2000-11-26 | Lugar de Nacimiento: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Biografía: Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Ladd Akeo and Andrea Wicklund. Laird is of Native Hawaiian descent. Growing up, he got his start acting in school productions, at the Haleakala Waldorf School. Laird graduated from Waldorf High School in 2019. He then went on to attend Nebraska Wesleyan University, pursuing a BFA degree in acting. After his first year, he dropped out to pursue acting professionally. Landing his first acting role in the film, Paradise City, directed by Chuck Russell.

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Streaming Illimité en Amazon Prime

Accès Illimité à Plus De 80,000 Titres

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours