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Joel DeCandio

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Biografía: Joel DeCandio is a New York-based actor working internationally in independent and art house cinema. On stage, he has appeared in multiple productions of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tragedy of Cymbeline, as well as The Tempest, Twelfth Night, Tennessee Williams’ The Rose Tattoo, and The Tragedy of Antony & Cleopatra with Abibigromma (National Theatre of Ghana) and artists of Ankara Devlet Tiyatrosu (Turkish State Theatre). In 2023, he made his film debut starring in Kenya Gillespie’s Give, followed by Dominic Mercurio’s He Won’t Belong (2023) and Barnabas Wilhelm’s All the Rest Is Noise (Germany-USA). He has just wrapped shooting on Julian Alvarez’s Delicious and is currently in production for Shashwat Punjabi's psychological romance/horror Heart to Heart.

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Streaming Illimité en Amazon Prime

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Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours