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Alejandra Cejudo

Cumpleaños: | Lugar de Nacimiento: Dallas, Texas, USA

Biografía: Alejandra is an actress and writer, known for Escape the Night (2016), Sagas of Sundry (2017) and Graffiti (2018). She was raised in Dallas, TX and her adolescence was heavily influenced by Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Xena: Warrior Princess, and Rogue (of the X-men). She has studied improv and theater in New Orleans, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Oxford, England. Recent roles include: "Sam" (a creepy ghost) in Sagas of Sundry: Madness; Frida Kahlo in the play, "The Day Continues Still", and two guest spots on on the horror podcast 'The Sheridan Tapes' (as the Beechwood Monster/Creature in season one and as Amanita in season two). She has been a part of Destroy All Monsters since August 2017.

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Streaming Illimité en Amazon Prime

Accès Illimité à Plus De 80,000 Titres

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours