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Komgrit Triwimol

Cumpleaños: 1973-01-19 | Lugar de Nacimiento:

Biografía: Komgrit Triwimol, nicknamed Est, is a director and scriptwriter born in Bangkok, Thailand. He graduated of high school in Bodindecha (Sing Singhaseni) School and at Bachelor of Communication Arts speciated Film and Photography from Chulalongkorn University. He is married to Thai screenwriter Waneepan Huaphoklang (Manow). Triwimol is pretty well-known for works as "My Girl" (2003), "Dear Dakanda" (2005) or "The Bedside Detective" (2007). In fact, he won The Best Director in "The Asian New Talent Award" (2004) and "The Thailand National Film Association Award" (2004) together with the others 5 directors by "Fan Chan" and was nominated by "Dear Dakanda" like Best Director in "The Thailand National Film Association Award" (2006) too.

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