Streaming Illimité
avec Prime Video
Essai Gratuit

Films +

Séries +

Braden Lynch

Cumpleaños: | Lugar de Nacimiento:

Biografía: After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Vocal Jazz and Studio Music from the University of Miami, Braden moved to Los Angeles and began his formal acting training. He has played a spectrum of characters from a creepy rapist on CRIMINAL MINDS to a motion-captured Spartan soldier in HALO 4’s weekly episodes to a put-upon Russian Techie on NCIS: LA, has been directed by Werner Herzog and Peter Farrelly, and has lent his countless character voices and accents to such video games as BIOSCHOCK II and THE PRINCESS BRIDE.

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Streaming Illimité en Amazon Prime

Accès Illimité à Plus De 80,000 Titres

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours