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César Mateo

Cumpleaños: | Lugar de Nacimiento: Madrid, Spain

Biografía: César Mateo is an actor, known for Veneno (2020), La víctima número 8 (2018) and Todo por el juego (2018). Cesár’s big opportunity came when he was chosen to perform the role of Hugo in the series B&B: de boca en boca for Globomedia, an experience which saw him perform alongside actors such as Belen Rueda, Gonzalo de Castro and Carlos Iglesias. He hasn’t abandoned his training and he continues to receive classes in the Estudio with Raquel Pérez, as well as dance and body expression with Chevi Muraday. In 2015 he met his current maestra: Lorena Bayonas. His training in the Centro del Actor allows him to develop further as an actor while he continues with his studies in languages. That same year she performs in Alice in Wonderland in the Teatro del Arte, directed by Juan Codina where she plays the role of the Cheshire cat. In 2017 she joins the cast of the Telecinco series, El accidente, starring Quim Gutiérrez and Inma Cuesta. A year later she stars in La victima número 8, for Telemadrid and ETB as well as participating in Fernando Colombo’s film, Antes de la quema.

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