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Owen Kline

Cumpleaños: 1991-10-14 | Lugar de Nacimiento: New York City, New York, USA

Biografía: Owen Kline is an American director, screenwriter and actor based in New York City. His short Jazzy for Joe starred the late broadcasting legend Joe Franklin in a rare comic performance paired alongside an orphaned toddler. His prior short, Fowl Play, a Queens-based comedy about low-rent aspiring cockfighters and their chicken, was presented on Le Cinéma Club in 2017 as part of the Safdie brothers’ carte blanche. Kline’s acting credits include Noah Baumbach’s The Squid and the Whale, the Safdies’ John’s Gone and the Michael M. Bilandic comedies Hellaware and Jobe’z World. Kline wrote and directed Funny Pages, his feature debut.

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Streaming Illimité en Amazon Prime

Accès Illimité à Plus De 80,000 Titres

Essai Gratuit de 30 Jours